
West secularism and emptiness spirituality

In this modern era, the human obsession with worldly colors appear more dominant than the spiritual. Advances in technology, science and all worldly things, are rarely accompanied by spiritual values. As a result, the soul becomes dry, empty and in need of spiritual cleansing that can menyejukkannya. Emptiness soul as negated the impact of modern civilization things that are spiritual (ruhiyyah) and the removal of the values (ma'nawiyyah) gradually in human life.

Modern humans try to live with the visible nature. They even tried to kill God and declare freedom from the life hereafter. As a result of human power and experience externalization. Next to this human externalization conquer and exploit the world arbitrarily without limit. Modern humans create a new relationship with nature through a process of natural desakralisasi. Nature is seen not just Iebih of objects and resources should be utilized and exploited optimally, treating nature like a whore, enjoy and exploit nature for the satisfaction of himself without a sense of duty and responsibility of any kind.

Islamic tradition insists that nature is a theophany (tajalliy) that enveloped the Lord and at the same time revealing the greatness of God. Natural environment are the signs (verses) of God which was (al-syuhud), which lay revelation (al-Qur'an al-takwini) of this universe, in addition to the written revelation (al-Qur'an al-tadwini ) ie the Qur'an in the form of Scripture.
In other words, God is "environment" surrounding the highest human and overcome. The Qur'an itself calls God as Al-Muhith (The Multipurpose Cover).

Awareness of the ihatah of Allah, is an attempt to bridge the gulf that separates man from the Lord. By implementing all the obligations of the Shari'a and reproduce dhikr to remember him, trying to minimize the difference between the Glory of God and the human spirit is dirty because of the influence of passion, in essence, the human soul cleaning dirt from all forms of lust and cleansing influence to re-remember (dhikr ) to the Lord. Given the reality of God is to experience Him as Al-Muhith over all creation. Remembering God as al-Muhit is aware of the sanctity of quality continuous nature, natural phenomena as the verses of God. And the presence of the natural environment can be perceived as an integral part, when the values ila hiyyah always present in him.

It means a man of religion or spirituality true believer, always felt a connection with God and this gave birth to a responsibility for environmental conservation.
Thus, no other environmental crises caused by human rejection of God as "al-Muhit" the real, which surrounds and maintain their lives. Destruction of the environment stems from the attitude of modern humans who view nature as something that stands alone and apart from the "Environment" Divine.

Islam regards men functioned as a carefree fatullah in the earth, where everything he does must be a devotion (worship) to Him because of the nature of its creation it as' Abdullah (servant of God). As a servant of God, man must be passive in the face of God and receive whatever grace ¬ derived from Him. Meanwhile, as the caliph of God, man must be active in the world, maintain the natural harmony, and disseminate rahmatTuhan which revealed to him