positivistic and empirical main features of modernity, assume: Religion is just the remnants of human childhood experiences that continue to take as adults. In the adult personality, devotion to religion is a sign of pathology, the ability to think logically low. God does not exist because it can not be observed either by microscope or telescope.
This: the logical result of the modernization of the West made a century since the Renaissance. Modernism requires a clear distinction between religion and secular life issues, such as economics, politics, science and others, which in turn gave birth to understand the secular modernism which calls for the separation of religious affairs and problems of life.
The negative impact of modernization has given birth multikrisis who have never experienced in previous centuries. Crisis of meaning in life, spiritual emptiness, and the removal of religion from human life almost all people descend on this earth.
Nas) r, directly witnessed the negative excesses of modernization in the West. Western (source of crisis) now feel the multi-dimensional crisis. To get out of this crisis, Nas) r call upon them to return to the spiritual wisdom of religion and restrict ourselves in the pursuit of worldly pleasures, controlling appetite, become rational humanism and attention to their neighbors, both human and nonhuman; the environment, animals and nature.
While the tragedy that took place in the Islamic world, is being repeated or even lead to mistakes being made by the West, which created the community with the truth of modern civilization precisely the cause of the crisis. To the East, Nas) r suggested that the renewal of Islamic thought and done by digging treasure reviewing the classical heritage of Islamic thought and did not take the concepts of Western modernism as a model.